Blueview investigates the underwater world in Orkney

Just a quick post to alert you to a clip taken during some of our work last year when Richard Bates and I were able to talk to Josh Gates from the Travel Channel’s Expedition Unknown Series about our research. On that occasion we were lucky to have the opportunity to work with Jon Richardson of Teledyne, who introduced us to their Blueview Sonar. You can watch it here. Or on YouTube.

Being an archaeologist does have its boring moments, but at times like this it is so much fun!.




New Paper Published: Mesolithic in the Cairngorms

The upper reaches of the River Dee in the Cairngorm Mountains

For the past few years I have worked with a number of colleagues (and friends) to examine the traces of Mesolithic activity high in the Cairngorm Mountains of Scotland. Excitingly, one of the sites, excavated by Graeme Warren and colleagues with a team from University College, Dublin, yielded evidence for a small structure, occupied around 8200 cal BP. This is particularly interesting Continue reading New Paper Published: Mesolithic in the Cairngorms

Storytelling and Archaeology

I participated recently in a storytelling event organised by a project known as ‘Orkney Beside the Ocean of Time‘. They seek to investigate the relationships between the people of Orkney, Deep Time, and landscape change. For the event they invited half a dozen Orkney archaeologists to gather together and share a Continue reading Storytelling and Archaeology