Online Lectures

Some of the lectures I give are recorded so I have put links here for those who might want to listen to some of the things I am interested in. Please note that archaeology is developing all the time. Some of the older lectures may be a little out of date!

A Scottish Archaeologist on the Silk Road.

32 years ago I was lucky enough to travel the Silk Road. Some of the places I visited are no longer accessible, and others have now changed mightily. Recorded for the Mesolithic Deeside Lockdown Channel, June 2020.

World Heritage Sites

Armchair travel to some of the most photogenic sites around the world! Plus a little information about the World Heritage Convention and World Heritage Sites. Recorded for the Mesolithic Deeside Lockdown Channel, June 2020.

Hidden Landscapes

An introduction to the newly emerging archaeology of submerged landscapes around the world and why it is important for our understanding of the past. Recorded for Mesolithic Deeside during lockdown in June 2020.

After the Ice

This is an introduction to the emerging field of Palaeolithic Scotland. It is an exciting time for those of us who are interested in early settlement as new technitues and understanding helps us to unpick the elusive traces of the first communities to explore the land at the end of the last Ice Age. Recorded for Mesolithic Deeside during lockdown May 2020

The Archaeology of Orkney

An introduction of the archaeology of Orkney given to the Institute of Northern Studies, during lockdown May 2020.

The Anatomy of a Lithic Scatter

Recorded for Mesolithic Deeside during lockdown, May 2020.

This talk focusses on some research to unpick the way in which information about a lithic scatter site builds up and argues for the significance of lithic scatter sites as an archaeological resource. If you have ever spent a day out fieldwalking, or wondered about the discovery of early prehistoric sites, then this is the talk for you!

Living in the Mesolithic

Recorded for Mesolithic Deeside during lockdown, May 2020

An examination of some of our interpretations of life in Mesolithic Scotland.

The Earliest Settlers in Orkney

For Radio Orkney in 2017

Living in the Mountains

For the Archaeological Research in Progress Conference in Edinburgh, 2015.