New Publication: At Home on the Waves

I’ve a chapter in a new book. And, though I blow my own trumpet, it is a brilliant book. Not only does it cover a theme that is interesting to me: the relationship between people and the sea, but it combines an unusual mix of anthropology and archaeology so that you have papers on cruise ship crews from the Philippines sitting alongside papers on Neolithic archaeology. It makes for fascinating reading.

The publication started out as a session at a conference held in Bristol many years ago. Now, the editing of conference volumes is a thankless and demanding task so my heartfelt thanks must go to Gary and Tanya who took on the job for this one! I am sure that at times they despaired of ever getting everything together – editing took place across the continents just to add to the fun of it! Anyway, at last the book is out and everyone can relax.

As you will see, you do need a second mortgage in order to buy a print copy. In addition to the cheaper e-book, there is a 50% discount with the code KIN420 on print copies ordered through the Berghahn website UNTIL 30th April 2019. They are encouraging us to spread the word.

Archaeology: the Pick and Mix Profession

When I studied archaeology, it was a very different topic. We learnt about cultural change through the examination of specific artefact and monument types, often assuming that the pieces that we found were finished and perfect.

submerged forest Nova Scotia
The submerged landscape is something that touches us all, wherever we work. The traces of this submerged forest in the Minas Basin, Nova Scotia lie below some 12m of water at high tide.
Continue reading Archaeology: the Pick and Mix Profession

New Book: Landscape Beneath the Waves

Such a feeling of relief – to actually have the first copy of your new book in your hands!

Yesterday I finally received a copy of my new book from the publisher. It is always a process that brings out mixed emotions. Partly I am so fed up with going through the text and illustrations that I can barely bring myself to open it. Partly, Continue reading New Book: Landscape Beneath the Waves